Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Top Chef I'm Not

Ack. I can't cook. I was hungry after class tonight (it is hard to teach from 4:30 to 6:30--4:30 seems too early to have eaten, but I'm starving when I get home). I made up some leftovers, which were bland even on night one. I thought, "oh, I'll just add in some red pepper flakes to add some flavor". BIG mistake. HUGE. I didn't check the top because I thought it was the sprinkle-safe top, but it wasn't. Ugh....there must of been about 5 Ts of flakes on my one little portion. I knew there was nothing that could save this meal so I gave up and ate the rest of the chocolate that Margaret gave me a few weeks ago. I had left it on the kitchen counter and they were all melt-y (the bonus of no air condition), so I ate them with a long-handled spoon. It was the dream dinner of a 5 year old!

This brings to mind that I wish I had some type of durable skill. I feel like I don't make/produce much in this life. My student/co-author just submitted our paper to a journal, but I'm not sure that counts. It wouldn't keep me warm if the heat went out (note to self: learn to make a fire).

If I could make something, what would it be? Until I decide, I'm keeping the pizza place in my cell phone (really, it is there)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is always cereal if dinner doesn't pan out! :-)