Sunday, August 4, 2013

Foam Fest

To celebrate my 40th ellipse around the sun my friend Ryan and I signed up for the Foam Fest. Ryan is a good seed seeing how we left my place at the crack of dawn in order to jump into foam, crawl in a mud pit with shock wires over our backs, and fall into Lake Sammamish. Here are some of our obstacles: (click the "obstacle" tab: We did that!)

It was a blast, and a great way to celebrate a big birthday!

Note our blue shirts!

Winners. Note not blue shirts!
What I love about this pic is that an unknown to me woman at the finish line
took it on her phone and sent it to me. Thanks, Stranger.
It was a great morning. We listened to Sigur Ros on the way back to town, and then Ryan treated me to breakfast at Lost Lake. We nearly got a parking ticket because the meter maid drove up as Ryan was buying the placard, but not even the hardest soul alive could ticket a birthday girl!

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