Monday, November 28, 2011

I Finished! (p365; 11.27.11)

Even at 6:49 a.m. (the race started at 7:30), I was unsure if I would run. Sara, Kathy, and I agreed that if it weren't raining, we would run. When Sara arrived at 6:50, we committed. We were the last to cross the start line, and it was my personal worst time (we barely beat the 3 hour pacer--nearly an hour behind my best time!). But, there was so much inspiration along the way: A man in wheelchair doing the full marathon with police escort (they passed me twice), a deaf & blind woman who was well paced, tributes to persons with Leukemia, cheerleaders with fun signs (that isn't sweat, it is your fat cells crying; Go, Random Stranger!), running along flags help by vets, and the pacer who chided me to the finish. Plus, I got to run with two of the best running partners around. Thanks, Sara and Kathy!

1 comment:

KellyAnn said...

Congrats Christie!!!!! You are truly something. <3