Sunday, January 16, 2011

Church of the Sick Little Man (p365; 1.16.11)

Max, the women of his family, Luke and I went hiking yesterday. We suspected little Max might be sick b/c he just wasn't his cheerful bear-self. Sara called me this morning to confirmed that little man Max did have a fever. She and her hubby were scheduled to teach Sunday School, and she wondered if I could babysit during church. I've been trying to make it to St. Marks more Sundays that not, but Sara mused that I could do an act of service instead of an act of worship (it is great to have a friend who is an Old Testament scholar!). So, Max and I had a little quiet time this morning. Our church of the sofa consisted of Sufjan Stevens as guest musician, biter biscuits and water bottle for communion, a focus on contemplative rest as grace, and a short story from the Jesus Storybook Bible. We also had some post-church fellowship time with Hallie, pup.

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