Monday, June 7, 2010


Today is my last class of the academic year. I can't believe I've been at SU for a year! It has been really good. I've enjoyed working with Theologians, and I'm glad they wanted a clinician/researcher on their team. I have learned a lot of new things (esp about psychopathology) and my teaching style is a bit different than it was at SPU (lots more open discussion and barely any powerpoint slides!). There are so many things I miss about SPU (the students, mostly), but I do like being at a social-justice forward (in talk and name) University. Now, grading, some writing, and a BREAK~

Yesterday was Luke's 5th birthday. My pastor was out-of-town so we didn't have family dinner or home church. Also, Sara had a writing project due so we didn't get together to watch So You Think You Can Dance. Thus, Luke and I spent all of his birthday together! Megan was kind enough to drop by gifts (treats and a now-one-leg-legless giraffe).

She also wrote this adorable Haiku:
Luke, on turning five:
Happiness and love always
Doggie treat for you.

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